UPDATED September 2020.
Thank you to Ambassador Chapter 99s member Emily Kruse for getting this list started, two years ago. Last year, the ever-lovely Pilot Annie also just posted a blog with some more details about some of these scholarships. We have another blog post with scholarship tips and financial advice if you have not been awarded a scholarship. Please reach out to fellow pilots, and especially your chapter leadership (in the case of 99s scholarships) to help you prepare your application. Treat it like a job application. It really is that important.
Primary and Advanced training scholarships for AOPA members. 2020 window was January -March. Stay tuned for 2021 deadlines.
"EAA invites those who are interested in pursuing flight or a career in aviation or aviation related/STEM fields. We encourage individuals who are well-rounded, involved in their school or community, and interested in the world of aviation to apply for an EAA Scholarship."
Sept. 1, 2020 – Nov. 1, 2020: Flight Training Scholarships* (for those starting flight training Jan. 1 – June 30)
Nov. 15, 2019 – Jan. 31, 2020: Post Secondary Scholarships*
March 1, 2021 – June 1, 2021: Flight Training Scholarships* (for those starting flight training July 1 – Dec. 31)
Sept. 1, 2021 – Nov. 1, 2021: Flight Training Scholarships* (for those starting flight training Jan. 1 – June 30)
- Fly Girl Foundation
Annual scholarships, plus some specialty scholarships.
- The Flying Musicians
Previous guidelines: Select scholarships; open to high school juniors or seniors, must be age 16; must have a recommendation from music director; funds for up to 15 hours of flight time for first solo flight.
- I Hart Flying Foundation
Various scholarships and deadlines. Last deadline was July 2020.
- Ladies in Flight Training
2020 Deadline closed. Stay tuned for future scholarships, sometimes in collaboration with other organizations. The Facebook group is one of the best places to actively engage with this community.
- Lady Aviators
First scholarship deadline closed. Stayed tuned for future scholarships from this new 501(3)(c) that supports women in all divisions of aviation.
- Ninety-Nines
Select scholarships; must be a chapter member
Fly Now Awards: Must have a 99 mentor, April 1 and October 1 application deadlines with a requirement of three months of membership prior to deadline, student pilot certificate (which includes your medical) or international equivalent if overseas and 5 hours of flying within the six months prior to the application deadline and show financial need
Amelia Earhart: college (academic), technical, and flight, January 1 application deadline; must have been a member for one full year by January 1 (Exception: For Kitty Houghton Memorial Scholarships and Vicki Cruse Emergency Maneuvers Training, there is no length of membership limitation. Student Pilot members may apply ONLY for the Fly Now Award or the Kitty Houghton Memorial Scholarship.); valid class and current medical; applicant must have logged a minimum of five hours in the six months immediately preceding the applicant’s submission deadline.
- One Plane Jane
In cooperation with Ladies in Flight Training. Deadline: September 30, 2020.
- The Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals
Must be a member; Fall and Spring awards.
- Professional Pilots of Tomorrow
Summer application window. 2020 applications closed.
- Women in Aviation
Must be a member to apply; various amounts; can apply for 3 scholarships; application deadline November 10, 2020
- Women in Corporate Aviation
Must be a member by September 5, 2020. Deadline: September 15, 2020.
- WTS Women in Transportation
National and local chapter scholarships; high school, undergraduate, and graduate; amounts and deadlines vary by chapter
- Whirly Girls
Female helicopter pilots. Deadline: October 12, 2020.
The Federal Aviation Administration lists even more scholarships, and not just for pilots!