Beth's Smoky Deviled Eggs

Who doesn’t love deviled eggs at a BBQ? Enjoy this recipe by One Plane Jane Ambassador Beth Straney, @planebookishgirl
  • Eggs (Large eggs are best)
  • Dukes Mayo
  • French's Mustard
  • Smoked Paprika (essential)
  • Baking Soda
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Small mixing bowl
  • Flat, air tight container. I use a glass 9x13 pan with a lid.
  • Paper towel in the bottom of your container
  • Pastry Blender or large fork
  • Pastry bag or quart size ziplock bag
  • Spatula
  • Large stock pot or sauce pan (the baking soda on the eggs will wear on the pot over time so I have one older pot that I just use for eggs.
Disclaimer: I don't measure anything when I cook. It's all by eye.
  1. Start eggs in cold water and sprinkle baking side over all eggs. When water starts to a rolling boil start a timer for 13 minutes and reduce heat to med high.
  2. Prepare ice bath to cold shock eggs. Give 20-30 minutes for eggs to cool. I put the bowl in the fridge.
  3. After cooled, peel and cut eggs in half, lengthways.
  4. Place yolk halves in a mixing bowl and whites in whatever container you are going to store the deviled eggs.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste to the yolks. Mash yolks (I use a pastry blender or a large fork) until there are no lumps.
  6. This is where the by eye part comes in...squirt mustard to cover about 2/3 of the top of the eggs. Your mayo measurement is about 1/2 ratio with your yolks. Mix together until incorporated.
  7. Put the yolk mixture in a quart ziplock bag sort of like a disposable pastry bag. Or use a pastry bag. Make sure the air is out of the bag, seal and cut off one corner, about 1/2". Fill whites with your yolk mixture. Sprinkle smoked paprika over eggs to finish.
Enjoy! 🥚 ♥️ 🥚

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