FLY Fit Team

You’re invited! To First Love Yourself and invest in your health by joining our FLY Fit Team! 

This is a completely new program to One Plane Jane, launching January 2020. Enrollment will be available in January, April, July and October (program will change for each cycle, so you may participate year-round). 

So what is the FLY Fit Team? It is a 90-day exercise program and so much more! 

  • Exercises will be emailed to you, in a PDF, every two weeks, so you can adapt to your schedule. Suitable for home and away, designed by a certified personal trainer and fellow pilot-adventurer.
  • Access to a private Facebook group for accountability, group challenges, recipe sharing (with feedback for healthier alternatives), and more! You also get to invite one member of your household (spouse, partner, wingman, adult child, etc) to join our FB group to improve your mutual accountability.
  • Group goal setting video conference in month one, plus follow-up in months two and three.
  • Includes our newest leggings, tank top or crop top, and headband (a $133 value), made to order, just for you!

January enrollment is open now, with the program launching 5 January (though you may join anytime during the month).


See you soon,

Coach C

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